Covid-19: Virus of the Body and Mind: By: Ronald F. White, Ph.D.

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic reminds us that the human body can be invaded by a variety of diseases. Covid-19 is caused by a virus that invades the human body. Its symptoms include increased body temperature, nasal congestion, and a sore throat. The severity of those symptoms range from mild to severe, or even fatal. The rate of contagion varies based on geographical location (neighborhood, city, state, nation, globe). Contagion also varies between racial groups (black, white, hispanic, and Asian communities);and between age-groups (fetuses, infants, children, adults, and the elderly). It may also vary based on gender (male, female, transgender) and/or sexual preference (heterosexual, homosexual); or socio-economic class (rich, poor, middle) severity of the symptoms and fatality rates also vary. The most serious widespread viral infections are described as epidemics or pandemics. Covid-19 is now a pandemic. In the United States, bodily viruses are diagnosed and treated by health care professionals (physicians, nurses) who are often associated with health care institutions (offices, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and research facilities). Researchers expend large sums of money trying to identify specific viruses, and develop vaccines that might prevent the contagion of viral diseases, reduce the serverity of viral diseases, or even cure them. Sometimes there is greater/lesser disagreement among health care professionals over the identity of a given virus, and even disagreement over whether to treat it, and/or how to treat it. In the United States there is also debate over the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and/or treatments, who pays for vaccinations and/or treatments for various viral diseases (patients, governments, non-profit organizations etc.)? Covid-19 has also become a virus of the mind. Covid-19 has also become a "virus of the mind." Evolutionary epistemologists have observed that "viruses of the mind" behave much like "viruses of the body." Viruses of the mind can also be analyzed in terms of the symptoms of the virus, severity of those symptoms, and the rate of contagion within various micro-populations (old/young, educated/uneducated), blacks/ whites/latino/asian). The rate of contagion of viruses of the mind vary based on: age-group, gender, and or sexual preference. Viruses of the mind enter our brains through our senses, sight (eyes) and hearing (ears) as the result of human communication, especially the mass media. Historically, religion has always provided a rich source of viruses of the mind, especially ideas that discriminate against women, children, non-believers, and justfy violence against various outside groups. Religious viruses of the mind are often tranmitted via religious leaders, who claim that their authority is based on the "word of god" or his official spokesmen. Religious viruses that promise followers eternal rewards (heaven) for believing the word of God and eternal punishments (hell) for not believing, are especially difficult to treat or cure. Be wary of religions that say that you can buy your way into heaven or that you must attend church, even if you are infected with Covid-19. Viruses of the mind are often spread by a variety of "authorities;" including government officials and the social media (especially television and the internet). The most contagious viruses of the mind, today, are replicated by governments, often with little (if any) input from scientists. Viruses of the mind often affect third parties. Some benefit, some suffer, some both benefit and suffer. Societies that provide low quality scientific education are susceptible to invasion by viruses of the mind. The most pernicious viruses of the mind that have emerged in light of the Covid-19 bodily virus, include the idea that Covid-19 is harmless, or no more harmful than other forms of influenza, and that masks, social distancing, and vaccinations are unnecessary. As a result, we now have Covid-19 patients overwhelming hospital emergency rooms. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that the study of history is dedicated to exposing the viruses of the mind that plagued previous generations. Future historians will, no doubt, identify the viruses of the mind that that have plagued our generation. What will historians say about Covid-19: a virus that invaded both our bodies and our minds? Ronald F. White, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Mount St. Joseph University


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